We are glad you are visiting our website and we hope that your time spent here will be an encouragement. You will find here information about Brush Creek and the ministries we are engaged in. We invite you to explore the website and learn about who we are. 

It is our desire to uplift and magnify the Lord Jesus Christ and to reach out to others to share the gospel. It is also our goal to connect with others from the heart to minister, encourage, and build up. 

Brush Creek is a warm and loving church. If you are new to the area or searching for the church where the Lord wants you, we would love to have you come and be our guest. We hope that your time with us is a blessing and strengthens your walk with the Lord. We want you to feel at home.

When you visit our church, you will find:

  • A caring congregation that will gladly welcome you
  • Preaching/teaching that is centered on the Word of God
  • Ministries to meet the spiritual needs of every age



Why do we suffer? Where is God when we suffer? How do we get through suffering? These questions and many more challenge us in our walk with the Lord. Going through tough times is often discouraging and we find ourselves floundering and overwhelmed. 

The current message series, entitled Suffering With Grace and Glory, deals with hardship and suffering and focuses on truths from First Peter.